When grilling, with beer marinda. Thanks to antioxidants is healthy


- Grilling is not one of the healthiest ways to cook meat. This is due to hydrocarbons, which increase the risk of cancer. Get out of the game is a bag of antioxidants, which you can find in beer, especially dark beer. Therefore, scientists recommend sticking steak marindo with beer.


Grilled dodv masu uniqun prodn chu. It is not free of charge, during this heat treatment, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules are formed as a result of the combustion of organic material. And that’s probably the first thing: these free radicals can damage DNA, and is known to increase the risk of cancer of the stomach and the human.

But even if the garden grill will be without health consequences, you can easily welcome it. How? When to add beer to the marinda and you will drink it yourself while eating grilled meat.

Suck on dark beer

And this is really not a pub-recommended beer alibi. It’s advice with a scientific certificate. This is the result of an extraordinary practical study carried out by Isabela Ferreirov from the University of Porto, Portugal. Of course, the sight of a leader in flea floats centered around a barbecue grill somewhere in the university’s science research park must have been interesting. But the inputs of the bdn are also interesting.

As a precautionary measure, keep in mind that the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during the grill should never be completely prevented. Come from three main sources. These include food contamination, thermochemical decomposition of protein in grilled meat and contact of dripping fat with carbons.

You can try to adjust the speed of the heat treatment or the intensity of the angles, edge the chops overgrown with tons or tap the pipeen pieces. But the rest. Get rid of meat when grilling.

Aggressive PAU molecules can be elegantly immobilized with the help of antioxidants. And here’s a word about beer. It is literally used in the form of so-called melanoidins. An integral part of the beer happens during the preparation process, when washed gently.

The scholars actually thought very pmoae. They made marindu from several available types of beer, they loaded a piece of meat into their own grill before their own barbecue. To prove or disprove whether beer antioxidants will be able to take the danger of PAHs. They didn’t shake their heads with the marinda, they simply put the meat in beer for three hours, for 500 grams it was 125 milliliters, with a drop of oil, to prevent dripping and scalding. They added only a few small herbs for taste.

They also threw an unmarinated steak over the charcoal grill over the grill to find that it absorbed 21 nanograms of PAH per gram of light weight during cooking. Marinda made of Pilsner-type beer, ie a light bottom-fermented beer with a strong hop flavor, ensured that the PAU concentration of about eighteen nanograms was reduced per gram of grilled meat.

The real weight was dark beers, which carry a lot of active melanoidins. Steaks and chops marinated in a dark beer blend absorbed only about 10 nanograms of PAH per gram of weight. So 50 percent of me, not grilled meat with neoeten beer. Marinda managed to remove half of the eight main groups of PAHs from dark beer, Ferreirov added. Beer and healthy barbecue together with pat pat.

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When grilling, with beer marinda. Thanks to antioxidants is healthy

(VnMedia) - Grilling is not one of the healthiest ways to cook meat. This is due to hydrocarbons, which increase the risk of cancer.